The Greater Toronto Area (locally abbreviated as the GTA) geographically consists of the city of Toronto and the regional municipalities of York, Halton, Peel and Durham. It's not all about central Toronto homes and businesses! The GTA is the eighth largest and one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in North America. The evidence of this trend is seen in the amount of homes for sale and real estate that goes off the market each week! Although this area has an abundance of housing, it does not linger on the market for long before someone snatches it up. The amount of people who move into this area of Canada is on the rise, and the center becomes more populated each year. This urban center is a hubbub of activity in terms of business, financial and artistic endeavors.

The City of Toronto is the cultural, entertainment and financial capital of Canada. The city is home to more than 2.7 million people, and is heralded as one of the most multicultural cities in the entire world. It is ranked as the safest large metropolitan area in North America by Places Rated Almanac. Over 140 languages and dialects are spoken here, and just over 30 per cent of Toronto residents speak a language other than English or French at home. No matter what language you speak, you will be able to get around and do everything you need to do in your mother tongue - from boarding a streetcar to ordering takeout to your home or work. Canadians have a great deal to be proud of when it comes to the GTA.

You may already know that Toronto is home to one of the world's tallest building (CN Tower, 553.33 m tall) and that the world's longest street starts at the City's lakeshore (Yonge Street, 1,896 km long), but did you know that Toronto stretches as far south as the French Riviera or that more people live in Toronto than in Canada's four Atlantic provinces combined? The name 'Toronto' is derived from the Huron word for "fishing weir", and the city is on the northwest shore of Lake Ontario at Latitude 43 39 N, Longitude 79 23 W. Located on a broad sloping plateau cut by numerous river valleys, Toronto covers 641 sq. km, stretching 43 km from east to west and 21 km from north to south at its farthest points. The city perimeter is approximately 180 km, from Scarborough businesses to just before Streetsville Mississauga.

The GTA, as Canada's corporate capital and leading business address, is home to more nationally and internationally top-ranked companies than any other Canadian city. The city's business infrastructure makes modern business in Toronto seamless. In this era of inter-connected global business, Toronto, with one of the largest networks of fiber-optic cable of any North American city, has the technology and bandwidth to move information faster than the speed of modern business. Toronto's highly skilled, educated and multi-lingual workforce provides the knowledge and know-how to keep Toronto businesses ahead of the rest. It may be time to consider selling your condominium to move to the heart of the GTA!

Toronto gets over 16 million tourists per year (9 per cent of Canada's total arrivals). Museums, galleries, sporting events, theatre, night life, festivals, live music, dance, comedy, dining, shopping, antiquing.. the city never sleeps. There are endless locations to hold special events, or just to visit or the day. You may want to move your location search to the GTA! Toronto has more museums than you can image. Everything from shoes to sugar, ceramic art to contraception, textiles to television, you can shop for one or a multiple of things under one roof. Browse the art galleries, commercial or public for Canadian art and more. Examples of modern, ultra modern and classical architecture are everywhere - just stand on the street and look up! And the music, film, theatre, dance, cultural events and festivities are simply everywhere.

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